Cyber War
A poem by Rosa Jamali
Translated from Original Persian into English by the Author
All Diplomatic ties are frozen
Though we have always welcomed all sides
This Persian Jaguar is going to extinct
And we need a cyber co-existence
The Laleh Park is Our Public Zoo
We have been pre-occupied by cats
Good news,
The population is rising!
Let's go on a pilgrimage!
First, you knock at the door
Then you vote
The officials are dinning
knock, knock
Time for chocolate cake!
The unofficials are protesting all over the world
Making too much fuss!
Oh, the Cyber Army
You, the Soldiers!
The Republic has turned into a cyberspace!
There is no oil
No oil's
And we should rely on Solar Energy
Oh, our human resources!
Heavenly Cosmic Energy
Nuclear Energy
There is no barrel of oil,
And oil is over!
Neither Global Warming
Nor a Geopolitical Force
It's Money Laundering
And Land Grab
And Vegan Life
Green Life
The sea has leveled
Oh, we are getting close
And closer
To the cosmic FORCES!
You are direction-wise
Welcome to The Republic
No Solution is a Time Zone.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Very impressive write, Rosa Jamali. You may like to read my poem, Love And Iust. Thank you.