Dark Side Of The Room Poem by Cory Davison

Dark Side Of The Room

I live in darkness it's my home it's my heart dwells where I belong I am a monster. I beast among humans.... I am feeble minded & stupid a man who makes mistakes I live in darkness I'm unhappy I'm sad I'm ashamed I AM THE SINS OF MY FATHER I AM......DARKNESS in a cloud in a forest. I fear the light because it is the only thing
That can save me, but no.... I belong here with the snakes the rats the spiders, the sewer water beneath my feet. I am darkness. No1 hears my cries or sees my tears or sees my pain... that's why I live in darkness. My sins have consumed me.... I am not the man I thought I was going 2 b instead all I do is call pain around me pain &
Suffering sometimes I wish I was never birthed, maybe people life's would b better, but not in my past life they loved my so, I don't know how I because this creature, which has corrupted my soul. I'm sorry 2 the women I have hurt... From the guts in my stomach you have my deepest apologies..... My sanity has gone only darkness lives
here, & nothing can pull me out

Cory Davison

Cory Davison

Knoxville, Tennessee
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