Dealing With Depression! Poem by Denis Martindale

Dealing With Depression!

Don't overthink, through fantasies, for millions don't occur,
But rather seek the Prince of Peace, so that your faith may stir.
Don't think that I've not suffered, too, I've had my share and more,
Yet God's Throne I must keep in view, for strength I'm searching for.
Within a vision, centre stage, white light shone from God's Throne,
Through this, I've seen from age to age, no Christian stands alone.
And so I wait upon the Lord, for revelation still,
Since wisdom proves God's great reward, according to His will.
Don't overthink, as folks have done, the battle's never there,
First seek the presence of God's Son each time you kneel in prayer.

Denis Martindale, the 19th of October 2022.

The Gospel poem got shared on Revelation TV's
The Late Show, on the 19th of October 2022.

The Dealing With Depression topic shared ways to
provide helpful counselling advice to reduce the
Covid-Lockdown effects upon our mental health.

Dr Chi-Chi Obuaya, Consultant Psychiatrist
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