Dear Brain... Dear Heart Poem by Vicky Vickstah

Dear Brain... Dear Heart

Dear Brain,
Sometimes you provide ideas fuelled by a need to meet a criteria set by yourself without you even knowing it. Influenced you are by society and opinion of others that you are tricked into a false sense of comfort and image of acceptance, it all results in negative self-opinions. Can you stop this please?

You are strong, you are an amazing creation, but sometimes you hurt me with your ability to overthink and get lost in fairy tale possibilities.

I am here to thank you, for all the times you have warned me of inevitable situations, I am here to apologise for not listening to you and veering away from them.

I am here to acknowledge you for your sixth sense, and I am here to request you carry on pointing me in the right direction.

I am here in the position I am in because of you, and I will end up where I am going to be due to your orders upon me.

I can only give you everything I have in a sense of trust and honesty and believe in you to guide me in the right direction.

I beg you not let me fall in love or to let me fall into a trap and have to endure the pain of disloyalty.

I ask of you to stand by your decisions and only vocalise what you believe is true. I plead with you,

to accept that sometimes I will disagree with you,
and try to take a different road; this is only because logic and I do not get on too well.

We are both young and still have a lot to learn.

Many Thanks,


Dear Heart,
You care too much and it all ends up in tears, can you stop that please? Allow me to become lost in a fairy tale world to keep myself floating in this dull sea of reality; we are not at the top of success, yet

... Allow me to dream until we get there.

I know you mean well and I understand your disagreement with logic, but the more you fight against us the more bruised you’ll become in the process; and that’s no good for our cardiovascular system.

In reply to your plea I have already failed you by letting you fall in love, I can only apologise but I promise I had your best interests at... Heart.
This is now a situation that I will have to let you tackle on your own, but may I congratulate you on your choice of who you gave your heart too? I approve. Keep him close no matter what, you are lucky to be blessed with his presence.

Leave all the decisions to me; after all I am the one with the brains, although sometimes I can be wrong. Trust and honesty is all I require from you to help us make it through this maze of emotion and hurdles that are thrown our way.

You and logic should kiss and make up; together we can do unimaginable things,

Many Thanks,

The Brain.

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