Dear David Poem by Desiree Whitamore

Dear David

dear david,

before you were born i was worried.
i thought you'd \take him away
i knew it was out of my league
but the nerves grew everday

truth is, you did.
you took him from me
but you did something else
you set us free.

because of you clouds were lifted
and i saw him more and more
i wish i could say that it lasted
but he is him, thats for sure.

so easily, a month has passed
and it kills me more than you know
but its also opened my eyes
i'm sad i won't see you grow

this is something i have to do
and hopefully it'll get fixed
i hate the way that it happened
and that you are now in the mix

you're way too young to comprehend
and may not ever understand
there may always be a distant bond
and the greetings will be shaking hands.

i just want you to know that i love you
i love you more than i breathe
i hate not being there for you
since all you did was save me

the end result is always this
the hesitance to move
i end up thinking about us
and it always comes back to you

no words can describe the heartbreak
but i have to stand my ground
please david, always remember
even when i'm not around

know that you can call
and i swear to you i will run
i'll battle the crisp dark night
i'll face the flames of the sun

if i could ever start over
i swear i'd make things right
but i don't want you blaming me
for things that are wrong in your life.

i know its horrible to say,
but david, please blame dad.
if it wasn't for him we wouldn't be here
and that thought makes me so mad.

i don't know how long this'll end up
or what this string of words mean
i don't know if we'll ever get back
to where things are what they seem

please, now i'm begging
don't forget me
you're just a baby so you might
but i don't want you to be unhappy.

you'll still be young when i leave
only four to be exact
but i'm always here for you
i've always got your back.

so with these last words i bid you
a last heartfelt swear
that i'll do the best i can
to get back to over there.

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