Dear Elisa Poem by Emma Woods

Dear Elisa

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Dear Elisa
What can I say? ? There's no real way to say this without sounding pathetic and lonely but I want you to know how much you hurt me. I pity any other soul who falls for you because no doubt it's happened already and you were forever blind to see how much you are loved. I remember once you spoke to me of how you thought that true love was nothing but a tale told to the young. But I loved you. I truely, deeply, loved you. Ever since we first met on that rainy winter's morning I knew I'd fallen for you instantly. I kept my feelings to myself for far too long and remained silent until an entire year and a half later. As we grew closer I realise now I beacme weaker. I obeyed your every word and was forever longing to see you again. How much I wnated to tell you. How much I needed you to know how I felt for you. Before I new it you took my hand and we were at the beginnings of an almost two monthg relationship. I was so happy. I don't think I'd ever felt so happy before. You held me so close and cared for me so much like I was your own family. Then as two months passed you grew more and more distant from me. You ended it on my Christmas day by text. After that you never spoke to me again even through my efforts of returning to our oce strong bond of friendship. We passed eachother and every time I saw you my heart wanted to leap out of my mouth to run away from my feelings and hide somewhere you could never find it and break it again. The day came when you left school and my head was fixed but my heart had not been entirely mended. When you left I texted you one last time wishing you good luck with your life and then erased you and your phone number completely from my life. Yet there's still part of you that will always remain and linger in my heart. You don't know the number of times I wanted to tell you not to live so dangerously but now I have no control over that. I never even did then. But just know what a set back you were in my life and know now that I'm over you. Goodbye Elisa. You mean nothing to me now.

Tuesday 9th - Wednesday 10th - September 2008 (almost a whole year since you broke my heart yet somehow I still miss you terribly) I loved you and now I miss you

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