Dear Heart Poem by John Chizoba Vincent

Dear Heart


Dear heart, dear guiltless heart,
Do not break where they expected
You to be broken and cry like a child,
Be strong and disappoint them,
Love takes two to journey afar.

Dear heart, dear harmless heart,
Over your dead body shall you weep,
Do not walk gently into that heart again
The game of love might swallow you,
Love is the bones that dog men play with.

Dear heart, dear kind heart of love,
When tomorrow shows up in black,
Know you that yesterday wore white,
Command respect and they will love you,
When you miss a step, no one will pick you up.

Dear heart, dear breathful heart,
On your table shall man dwell
When it is set for the rightful man
But when a folly takes in position,
You might be broken and left naked.

Dear heart, dear humble heart of gold,
Don't judge what you don't know or
What you think you knew but you don't,
Look before you leap and speak cautiously,
Love is formless as water is but dangerous.

Dear heart, dear mother heart of smile,
Only you can accept, reject and protect
Whatsoever comes into you as words or deeds,
Pardon not evil into your domain and weep
Love is mosquitoe that sting more than the bee.

Dear heart, my humble human heart,
House your heart in your heart of heart,
Beautifully beautify by beauty of buttress,
Care and circled in a circular ceiling Can
Love only make one cry when it is bitter.

Dear heart, dear dovely dove heart,
Don't give yourself away so easily,
Watch from afar before you say 'I do'
'I do' has sent many to their early grave,
Love is not a bed of roses and a sweetened flower.

Dear heart, dear honey heart of mother nature,
Watch those you see and welcome home,
Many beings are wolf in sheep clothing
Once they are allowed into a paradise,
They will turn to the ancient serpent of lust.

Dear heart, dear sweetened heart of silver,
Do not get broken in public in folly,
Many mouth will wag and curse when you fall
I know you better when you are joyful,
Love is not as pure as you think it is.

(C) John Chizoba vincent
Voice Of Vincent 2016

Edward Kofi Louis 02 May 2016

My humble human heart. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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