Deep Sentiment Relayed In Terms Most Irreverent Poem by Margaret Alice

Deep Sentiment Relayed In Terms Most Irreverent

Rating: 5.0

Got this day off to a good start, laughed so much
my force is quite spent; I put my heroine to bed
and left her there – but let me tell you a tale that
might regale on this day:

Read elevated poetry of deep sentiment and then
relayed it in terms most irreverent; an Angelina
appears suddenly and sees a Brad most attractive
appearing from afar

Right there she realizes her morals are loose and
the Brad knows he has no other option than to
choose to cavort and make sport with the Angelina
before he can snooze

He has been cast as Mr Smith and she is the lusty
Missus; he goes all cross-eyed while he sways to
the tune that he feels in the swoon cast by her lips
as red as the pomegranate

He runs up to her and clasps her to him and she
begins to sing – forget thy nightingale Jen, just
think of me and Max and the rest of my lovely
ménage, I’m Lara Croft and I have oft

Regarded thy manliness from afar, leave thy
door all ajar, let us toast the joys of the chalice
of love all night long, life is a song, let’s sing
it together for ever – or at least

As long as the tabloids prescribe; should they
feel that our Spiel has been running too long
we shall part as by decree till death do us part;
death of fame, of course, my heart!


I'll have some of what you're having.... :) t x

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Margaret Alice

Margaret Alice

Pretoria - South Africa
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