Departures ~ Odlasci Poem by Jankovic Zoran

Departures ~ Odlasci

Rating: 5.0

When you was the first time left
I felt physical pain like I'm lost
part of my body.

The wound with time healed.
If I looked into her
for a moment I would remember you
and soon you would go to
a hole of the memories.

The second time you left
I felt relieved.
During two years of fake words
I was wondering what is the point.

You thought you were an artist on a string
but I was looking at the sad clown.
I'm sorry I did not say that before.

I know you like to look at the heights.
It's not as good as you no longer feel the fear
it may happen that you fall again.
Those who raise you will laugh at you.



Kad si prvi put otišla
osjećao sam fizički bol
kao da sam izgubio
dio moga tijela.

Svaka rana vremenom zaraste.
Kad bih pogledao u nju
tebe bih za trenutak sjetio
i ubrzo bi otišla u rupu sjećanja.

Drugi put kad si otišla
osjetio sam olakšanje.
Tokom dvije godine lažnih riječi
pitao sam se šta im je smisao.

Mislila si da si artist na žici
a ja sam gledao u tužnog klovna.
Žalim što ti to nisam ranije rekao.

Znam da voliš da gledaš sa visine.
Nije dobro što više ne osjećaš strah
može desiti da ponovo padneš.
Smijaće ti se oni koji te budu podigli.

Sunday, February 17, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: departure
Mahtab Bangalee 18 February 2019

I know you like to look at the heights. It's not as good as you no longer feel the fear /// no rapture there are its departure.........

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Jankovic Zoran

Jankovic Zoran

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