Destiny Poem by Amber Glistener


The world is like a young child, It dreams and dreams, It thinks it knows things, but does not bother proving them, Once it finds a peice of evidence, thats good enough, It never finishes what it starts, It never starts what it finishes, The many a plenty souls that live there, all have no clue, for their destinies are unknown, their minds are made, but they're not, for only the Lord alone knows, your future, the only way to tell, is to wait, every choice you make, is apart of his plans, every decision, every step, leads you closer to your destiny, the hardships, the adventures, the pains and sorrows, and the joys and laughter, all are only another step, another slow suspenseful step. The glances backward, the memories and glistening joys, left behind, they lead your decisions, it's all part of the big plan, your past is what molds you, tragedy can make you stronger, as an illness, your body is used to, you can fight it off quicker, destiny is like a stream, gurgling and bubbling, crying and whistling as it pleases, a pebble memmory passes, every now and then, your actions in the stream, determine which direction, you'll go. One direction may be harder, but who knows except the Lord almighty, whether it's the right direction or not, the easier path may not be, to lay back and rest against the shore, listening to the wind rustling the trees, but until you take an adventure, my friend, my comrade, you will never truly know what, it means to be alive, to live you must take risk, be the wind that everyone's listening to, feel it, taste it and touch it, inhale its fragrance, like knowledge, instead of just hearing it's mysterious whistling ways, you can't make your destiny, but you can help it, you can live it and accept it, . All you need to do is learn it, find your destiny...

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