Determine What Sin & I'Ll Be Sorry For My Ideas Poem by Margaret Alice

Determine What Sin & I'Ll Be Sorry For My Ideas

1. Determine What Sin

I discovered to my delight
that I had a bad headache
while having done everything
right – so I came to the conclusion
the headache is an indication
that I will do something wrong
and I decided to indulge in an
illegal waffle with forbidden
ice-cream before the universe
could determine what sin it
would like me to engage in –
so here I am; after my undercover
excursion into the wicked
den of delight; now I can face
the headache with satisfaction –
at least I have earned it myself;
I never want pain without reason
to give meaning to my existence
in a free universe!

2. I’ll be Sorry for my Insomniac Ideas

Oh, I can’t lie quietly in bed with all these
thoughts in my head! I need a pensieve
such as Dumbledore has, to take out my
thoughts and store them someplace; one
needs focus and these thoughts interfere,
a pensieve is the best idea I have ever come
across, without that device life feels just like
Askaban, with Dementors sucking my soul
out of me; when I can’t sleep I write Vogon
poetry, I need to Beeblebrox my brain or obtain
some magic sleeping potion from the Half-
Blood Prince; I wish I could travel by leaving
my body behind and putting my mind behind
an eagle’s eyes like Nanny Weatherwax does;
tomorrow I’ll be sorry for my insomniac ideas!

Margaret Alice

Margaret Alice

Pretoria - South Africa
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