Dialogue With Bedmate Poem by Kweku Atta Crayon

Dialogue With Bedmate

STREET BOY: Love your nightie
So dark but brightening
Designs-stars and moon
Today we will sleep like loons

THE SKY: Thanks dear, Saw you during the day
Hauling distances with your drays
Saw you thirsty, so I cried down tears
Saw you burning, so I stopped the sun

STREET BOY: So caring of you
Wish you could cry down manna
Today, was no market day
No Woman to do me charity
Haunting across the backyards
Brought no left-overs
Tonight you sleep with an empty lover

THE SKY: That makes me sad
But joyful because
All these make you stronger
And prepared for the elevation ahead
A resident behind me, called God
Has promised to change your destiny
He said, grow up this way
But you will die on top of the world

STREET BOY: Tears in my eyes
Oh my dear sky,
Indeed beyond you is my limit
God, heard about that man
But only the clothed and elite meet him
In that magnificent structure, church
I was there last week Sunday
The Ushers mistook me for a mad boy
Perhaps because of my best outfit
Will be pronounced evil, if I go with my normal wear
He must be a wonderful man
Had thought of stealing cloths to meet him coming sunday

THE SKY: You don't need cloths
You don't need church
You don't need money
In fact he is your secret friend
He spoke with you yesterday
And he is speaking to you now.
Am his foot mat.
He is right here with us.
Tell him you love him, if you do

STREET BOY: Love you Mr. God
Please if you are here, then touch me
I need no huge amount of money
I need no elegant house
I need no degrees in school
I badly need love, parental love

THE SKY: Am getting wet
His tear drops are falling on me
He also loves you
He wants your future to be a miracle
Moved from worst to best
(street boy cuts in-why are frowning with clouds)
God weeps so bad, am soaked
I need to squeeze them on you
No, no, no, don't hide
His tears are blessings
It doesn't wet you
But soaks you with benedictions of tomorrow
Tomorrow you will:
Wake up employed
Wake up in suit
Wake up feeding the hungry
Wake up singing 'IT IS WELL'
Wake up a role model
Let's sleep my dearie

The street boy sleeps in tears of joy, hoping to see the destined tomorrow.

But tomorrow never comes, so each night he slept in perpetual expectancy of his promised tomorrow and like a storm, he woke up one day in an orphanage, received free education and now the dream comes true.
Kweku Atta Crayon

Kweku Atta Crayon

Prestea-Western Region of Ghana
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