Diamond Lover Poem by Tiffany Koch

Diamond Lover

Rating: 5.0

I have never known healthy love
My mother, she was so angry always
I always felt like such a loser
They sent me away
And just like that
I was off and in another world
I felt like such a loser
Then I was left
By my father
My first love
My sanity
My will to go on
How humble we must be to want to live
And how arrogant we are to think it will be worth it
People and loneliness
Who are we really?
Why can we hardly tell how bad we've gotten before it's too late?
I want to just go on my merry way
I don't need someone who doesn't even understand happiness
Or respect
Or love
Or honor
Whenever you start looking at life saying, 'how can it all work together? '
You're looking for diamonds over an active volcano
Prepare to be burned

The author compares her longing for success after growing up in a broken and abusive household to a harrowing quest for rare gems.
Sylvia Frances Chan 31 March 2024

You're looking for diamonds over an active volcano Prepare to be burned. A very thought-provoking poem. CONGRATULATIONS for The Member Poem Of The Day!

4 0 Reply
Sylvia Frances Chan 31 March 2024

Broken and abusive home is the basic for all sadness and unhappiness, methinks. A child must feel the love and coziness at home. A fascinating poem

4 0 Reply
Dennis Ryan 02 May 2024

You are not a loser. Quite the opposite. Give a listen to Sarah McLachlan's album ‘Surfacing' beautiful music for some encouragement. Denny

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Sandra Feldman 22 September 2024

In this world one of the saddest things is being alone, and you tell us perfectly how bad if feels Sad but great poem! Full marks and to my favorites!

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Sandra Feldman 22 September 2024

Intimately but very sincerely explosive. You express your pain and disappointment too well. The sensitive heart feels your loneliness and frustration reaching out from the depths of your soul l

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Dennis Ryan 10 June 2024

Kinda pathetic your other poem, that of today June 10, ‘Slow Speed' you the walking dead woman, right? What I alteady got from your other poems, kinda pathetic. Good luck.

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Dennis Ryan 02 May 2024

Sarah McLachlan, Surfacing, Full album, You Tube. She is a great singer and lyricist for all of us, but especially for women.

1 0 Reply
Dennis Ryan 02 May 2024

Sarah McLachlan, Surfacing, Full album, you

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