Did You Ever Poem by Randy McClave

Did You Ever

Did you ever hate someone
Just because a friend or a family member did,
Did you ever wished that they were gone
As you happily prayed for their existence you could forever rid.

Did you ever lied about someone
Just because a friend or a family member did,
And about them did you prayed for a lie or used a con
Then that jar of gossip and rumors you opened up its lid.

Did you ever falsely judge someone
Just because your friend or a family member did,
Had you ever had an evil picture about them drawn
While you prayed that the real truth about them was always hid.

Did you ever just hated someone
Just because your friend or a family member did,
And unto you they always seemed happy helpful from day one
And you were never told why from their love had they slid.

Now when you stand accused before the Lord
Are you going to be happy with what you had said or thought or did,
You will now be seen and judged by your own accord
Will you wish the beliefs of your friend or family you had forbid

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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