Differences & Definitions English Français Poem by Jonathan ROBIN

Differences & Definitions English Français

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What is the difference beween...
A sea captain and a corrupt judge?
One is in charge of sailors, the other charges, sells laws.

A welcome and an unwelcome guest?
One stays over, the other overstays.

A cross wire, and a worse crier?
Telephone and phony tale.

A merchant and a merchantman?
One sells wares, the other wears sails.

A poor singer and a harpoonist?
One wails scales, the other scales whales.

A gourmet and a gourmand?
One eats out, the other outeats.

A broker and a middleman?
One deals in shares, the other shares in deals.

A cheat and a forgetful person?
One looks over, the other overlooks.

A hunter and a coward?
One fights the ducks, the other ducks the fights.

Pollution and a poor sailor?
One is a a sea slick, the other seasick.

A salmon packer and a priest?
One cans goods, the other cans Gods, they both fish.

Propaganda and a bat?
One lights hate, the other hates light, and both are blind.

Woman of heart and woman of spirit?
One ambitions caresses the other caresses ambitions.

Rain is to cloudbreak what reign is to crowd break

HE: 'I go out whenever I please! '
SHE: 'You please whenever you go out! '

Definitions: English

Open sharing of individual ability to channel creative soul-song away from the ego

Noise: A signal the individual is unaware [s]he could decipher

Family man...Time is relatives
Unsuccessful hitchhiker...One who waits for the cars to come home
Bullish investor...One who turns up for the upturn
Internet Political vice...E_gerie-mandering
Prussian Security... Stalag might makes stalag tight
Film Doctor...Cine Med or Medecin or made a sin?
Truth....An unstable reflection distorted in the mirror of passing time
Advice to a spouse..Be short to others, belong to me!
Further advice...Be short with others, but long for me!
Epitaph on a curate..'I urned my living'
Narcissism...Echo Ero Centricity
Clean hands on a schoolboy is like a widower remarrying:
The triumph of hope over experience.
Tongue twister...Fellatious Argument

Institutions 2 Definitions...One maddens broking houses, the other houses broken madmen

Definition of life:

A term of imprisonment commencing with nine months’ protective custody, followed by between 18 and 21 years internment, and 47 years of hard labour with a couple of tears of retirement thrown in for good measure if one meets no accidents, no illness, and avoid tsunamis like the plague and the plague like tsunami.

Approximately three score years and ten of parole, with a biometric identity bracelet, the greater part spent serving a concurrent sentence of wedlock or penile servitude.
The sum is reviewed before final sentence is pronounced by a Star Chamber High Court with a devil’s advocate and an Appeals’s Judge in a black cap.

Differences French
La femme de tête et la femme de coeur?
Une caresse des ambitons, l’autre ambitionne des caresses.

Un juif qui réussit et un juif sans foi?
Diaspo-raté ou Diaspor-athée.

Travail et grêve? La récompense ou l’arrêt qu’on pense.

Definitions: French

Mémoires de demi-mondaine Vingt mille lieux sous les draps.
Contrats Arabs Soit des pots de vin, soit dépôt de bilan.
Musique qui chauffe la salle Ré au mur.
Une primadonna passée Hier Ronde Elle
Un pervert en voiture Auto da fétichiste
Mémoires de Mao Ma Chine infernale
Revers des primeveres Déprime vers
Casino Des sous de table

Le chasseur heureux L’homme des caves vernis
La Vie C’est naissance à senescence
L’anormal L’homme qui perd le nord
L’épitaphe du forain Ci-gîtan!
Le rêve de l’adorée Elle dort à dos
Crime passionnel Abattement de coeur
Négociations du GATT Ja chère de poule
Le mari de l’anglaise L’étranglé ou l’être anglais
Les crocs mordents font des corps billards
Délits d’initié Crimes et chuchotements
Le monde à l’envers Lorsque le FDS devient SDF!
Swan Song I Leda Liede
Swan Song II La cygne et l’assignation
Il vaut mieux rêver avec espoir que d’arriver au bon porc
Solution pour le tiers monde Pain assez!
Bayard l’intouchable
Lepreux chevalier, sans poches, sans proches, sans reproches
La pyschanalyse Chic analyse chicaneries chic aneries

23 March 1975
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