Disparity Of The Mind Poem by AHO Speaks

Disparity Of The Mind

Disparity Of The Mind

Every human blest to have life must have its beginning of growth, changes, and then into transformation
We come forth at this time, in a given place; to protect and provide for children, in every nation
The future of this planet and all its inhabitants will come out of the minds of our human relations.

Our future lives with us every day, to spend earthly time to learn, participate, and also to have fun
The gift of mind and its contents, used for rationale thoughts for self and can benefit everyone
Our beginning is noted within the chromosome of an X for the daughter or Y for the son.

We beome as human outside our Mother's womb to use the time as our minds and body develops and grows
Birth is like the seeds, for it must be planted, nourished and in time harvest; from what we did sow.
Surely as a child physically changes, so also what is stored inside its mind; will allow it to know.

To become a being one must have a rationale conscious mind to communicate thoughts
The body is but a vehicle to carry the mind and our sense's, for that is about what each of us got
Part of a family able to think, ask questions, and express ourselves; with thoughts.

The early intellect of man was thought to only come from inside the heart and no one is to blame
A concept and realtiy that lasted for thousands of years and even unto today, remnants remain
For too long the mind has been set aside while the human heart acknowledged as God's domain.

12-31-05 Aho Speaks

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