Do Not Be Fooled By Time Poem by Mohabeer Beeharry

Do Not Be Fooled By Time

Rating: 5.0

As alone I sat on the shore playing my flute
The old man stopped,
Grinned but said nothing.
Eyes moist.

The evening sun had dimmed,
And a cool breeze, arduously
driving the ripples up to the line of the grass,
Had called a rest.

I could not see the breeze,
But I have learned to see when it is tired
and breathless.

It reminded me of myself,
Old now and alone.
It is not a tragedy, it is just the old inevitable way,
The old one way road through vistas of waterfalls andgreenery.

Same joys maybe
Same love for flowers and green grass
Same old delights in the birds' yodels
And flaunt of the clouds
As they return home in the gathering gloom.

Life has always had two ends.
One when it began
And the other when it ends,
The rest is forgetfulness.

The breeze says I still love you.
And the children are still there to pamper you,
The sunset says I will come again.
Wait for me to rise after dark.

In the meantime keep a tryst with the stars.
We do not shed tears, see!
These are drops of dews,
Love from above.

Life has never ended since once it began,
We only stop walking for a while.
We always come back,
In different frames and forms to greet the same sun.

Thursday, May 28, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: spiritual
Mahtab Bangalee 03 June 2020

Life has never ended since once it began, We only stop walking for a while. We always come back, In different frames and forms to greet the same sun..........philosophy on immortality and rebirth of the same soul in different.................../// great hand of writing; always enjoyable

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