Don'T Forget Me, Boo Bear Poem by Donna McCord

Don'T Forget Me, Boo Bear

Once was the time when you were young, you thought I hung the moon
You forgot to remember me Boo Bear and grew up way too soon
The name I gave you years ago, you now call everyone
We share nothing special anymore, not even hearth and home

The life we shared, the stories told, the endless nights of giggles
The 'tickle bug', remember that? Oh my that made you wiggle!
You'd get so mad at anyone who dared to mock me to your face
And stand up and defend your MiMi and put them in their place

That was only yesterday it seems. Agh! Time plays tricks on me
But these old eyes detect those things you young-uns fail to see
I'm not around to talk with you, I've moved on, but I'm still here
Just listen with your heart, Boo Boo, there's so much left to hear

A fleeting thought, that's all I ask, just one small thought of me
Don't let anyone, for any reason extract those memories
I've loved you since before your birth, decades before your friends
My love surrounds you in the night and whispers on the wind

That butterfly that flutters by, the smell of honeysuckle blooms
The cool nights by the campfire, the sound of 'BIG BUCK' loons
The aroma of banana bread, the lights at Christmas time
May they bring a smile upon your face whene're I cross your mind.

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