Dont Let There Be Tomorrow (February 26th,2022) Poem by Deli honeter

Dont Let There Be Tomorrow (February 26th,2022)

Why bother saying your body your choice when its not legal to choose to end the life being dragged, tortured, and enveloped in misery, inside that body? The soul being carried inside the body isn't even taken to mind. Why can't I get this poor soul, dealt a bad hand in life, out of the body that it doesn't desire? So many forced decisions, forced activities, too many situations that you can't control that make you lose your mind. Dont let there be tomorrow, please, I need a day where I have no existence, no adventure without the excitement, only the downsides being pushed forward by more and more following downsides. Everything, everyone, that drags you down, throws you down to rock bottom, throws the dirt onto your motionless body, and makes it nearly impossible to leave the stage of rock bottom. Staying there attempting to make a shovel out of the dirt they threw on you, but trying to dig yourself out with a dirt shovel? That would be as useless as fighting fire with fire, like trying to argue with a close minded soul who only wants to see their way. It's hard to leave the rock bottom stage with a shovel made of the dirt they threw on you, trapping you under them, where you can't be better than them. Dont let there be a tomorrow where the only option is to wait and hope it rains, soften the dirt with the rain, let their tears fall and hope the dirt soften so that it's easier to dig away from the seemingly impossible escape of rock bottom. Hope the rain doesnt make the torturous mixture turning it all to mud. Drowning in the mud, suffering more. Sticking because of the mud, starting to become attached to your placement, at rock bottom. Dont let there be a tomorrow, let the rain of terror end, let me free to be with the others who have crossed to other side, lessed pain, no heart- break, no placement, just equal, true, loving peace.

Dont Let There Be Tomorrow
(February 26th,2022)
Not sure yet how to use this website, and Im not sure this would go in the genre of riddle but I guess it kinds works
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