C- Is for no cooperation to others
H- is for having your way and only your way
E- is for haveing a big ego andhtink that your better than everyone else
E- is for eligible thikning you always will be able to cheer even if your ineligible
R- is for no respect to anyone only your friends
L- is for trying to look better than everyone
E- is for eternity thinkg your going to be a cheerleader forever
A- is for areogance always only including your friends inon stuff
D- is for disruptive when someone else is talking if it aint you or your friends
E- is for not earn the right to be on the team
R- is not for responsible always forgetting things for a game
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
I'm a cheerleader. And i found what you wrote as very offensive and rude. Obviously you have never met a nice cheerleader. Or you wanted to be one but didn't make the team. Or possibly you were bullied by some in school. I don't know. I'm pretty sure i speak for all cheerleaders, anyone that has been one, wants to be one or anyone that has read this and taken it offensively the way i did that not all of us are like that. Yeah maybe some but not ALL. We don't really appreciate being called 'disruptive' and 'Not responsible' I'm sure you have been disruptive at one point in your life. And forgot some things once or twice, And that makes you irresponsible. P.S. We DO have cooperation with others. And we DO know it doesn't always have to be our way. We know that no one is better than anyone. And yeah, we know we cant be cheerleaders forever but people CAN dream. We have respect for anyone and everyone that give us the same. All of us have earned the right to be on that team. And yeah the one thing that might be true in here is trying to look our best at all times, and that's because of people like YOU. People like you are the people that make us seam rude and all the things you have just described, even when were not. But when you say things like that people think that all cheerleaders are Blond, Stupid, Rich, and Snobby. Yeah I'm blond, and yeah i guess I'm a little rich. But just because your blond doesn't mean your stupid. And just because you have money in your family doesn't mean your a snob. Okay, Well I'm pretty sure i have made my point and i hope that you will think about what you say next time when you stereotype people. So have a good day. -Sydney