friends are suppose to be there to talk to you
even when your sad and blue
they tell you that they are going to call but then they never do
friends are suppose to be true and faithful to you but then they stab you in the back
friends tell lies thats a fact we have to except
i agree no one is perfect but no one should lie to their friend.
some say its a hard knock life to deal with all of the lies your friends have told you
sometimes they act one way to you but then to another person they actually hate you
friends are hard to pick
but when in doubt just remember you have one true friend out there
Hi Ashley - yes, I guess we've all been stabbed in the back at one time or another. it's a good skill to work out who your friends are, and treat 'em WELL. Jon.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Ashley your poem is so right in all of the right places. You know I dont understand either why your friends have to lie to you, there your friends your loyal friends but they lie to you how loyal is that? GOOD POEM keep writing truthful poems there awsome