Dream Of You, Me: We Poem by Linda Marie Van Tassell

Dream Of You, Me: We

I stoke the fires of autumn with my quill
and unfold in silence each memory.
Pleasures I have known, softly sleeping still,
awakened in a dream of you, me: we.

Your star so bright, I revel in its shine.
I sleep in your arms though you’re far away.
I drink of your lips, press yours close to mine,
and breathe in your essence, here by me lay.

Delights and passions and butter cream nights,
I still remember your tongue and your grooves,
the breathless moments and dizzying heights,
the sweet coercion of your gentle moves.

So far in the distance; yet, ever near,
you slowly press in upon the hours.
I think of you and dream of you – there, here -
your sweet mouth nestled among the flowers.

Your eyes serenely bright of verdant hue
are wistful and wanting no one but me,
and I acquiesce and fold into you.
I implore you, sweet night of ecstasy!

Let not this dream end to leave me alone
to drown in the ocean behind my eyes,
to make empty arms a promise unknown,
a fledgling with wings unable to rise.

Beneath the canopy of blue-black night,
a thousand tears fall in the patter of rain.
As morning rises and the sky grows bright,
I awake with quill in my hand again.

All the world weeps in the sound of the sea.
You are constant as the sun in my heart
awakened in a dream of you, me: we
forever to flourish, never to part.

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