Dreaming Poem by Harshvardhan Ramachandran


When I start staring at my clock
My mind begins to take a walk
Across the streams of thoughts that cloud my mind
Going past fascinating facts found
Please don’t shake me or disturb me
After all, I’m still dreaming

Stress over the time is rampant
I’m only sitting in this compartment
In the confines of my apartment
I’m trying to fight a beast
Of raw and unbound thought
While it ties my brain into a knot
I do my best and try to remember the time
Knowing that it will soon be over
And I will have to start a new day again…

When I start staring at my clock
My mind begins to take a walk
I see the memories that bring me joy
Using this tool as my personal toy
I get by with a little help from my clock
Using a metaphor I like to mock
Please don’t shake me or disturb me
After all, I’m only dreaming

Getting up in my sleep, walking around
I see the world unbound
Running everywhere with wonder
To find knowledge to plunder
Keep looking by as the universe passes me by
As I attempt to break past the lies

While you all may try to gawk
I can only ask you not to mock
My friends all around tell me
That I need to get some sleep
They think I’m crazy in my notions
While I think they’re lazily going through the motions
They think I have too strong of a personality
While I think it’s an issue of compatibility

When I start staring at my clock
My mind begins to take a walk
While you think I’m procrastinating
The truth is that I’m only concentrating
Knowing that the inevitable buzz will soon come
And I’ll be getting a call from my dad and mum
So please don’t shake me or disturb me
After all, I’m only dreaming

The things that I am beginning to perceive
Flood me with billion thoughts received
And as I try and take in everything to learn
Knowing the things I needed to discern
As fiery water flowed in the world
And a watery sky erupted
I flew in my head
And walked to the moon
Taking all of this in
Knowing that the Zenith was infinite

Suddenly I’m dreaming about home
Warmth spreads across my mind and heart
And I begin to feel calm
While I find there is no need to be emotional
Like there is no need to be devotional
Home is where my joy lies
Soon time will begin to fly

As I begin to concentrate on the time
Knowing that I must soon wake
I dive into a pit with courage
Into the deepest caverns of knowledge
Knowing that it will never be explored
As it grows with every step I take in it
I try and sprint across to the end
But then I hit a bend
Falling into a land undiscovered
With places to recover
Into a world with no sun
Slip past libraries with no books
Past a pile of hooks
Down a valley bereft of darkness
And into the light of dawn
Beating down on my face
Please don’t wake me or disturb me
After all, I was just sleeping.

I lie in bed staring at the ceiling
Waiting for the sleepy feeling
To take me into a world of bliss
Where the winds blow the world a kiss
And Trees hum to the sound of the rain
And into a place of no pain
Where humans can stand side by side
Treating everyone as one
And the contribution of each to the whole
I suddenly reached the locks
Of the doors I was here to knock
Before I can walk into the Hall of Peace
And experience this world of eternal bliss
The alarm begins to ring

I look outside my window
Looking at the sun pass me by
The stars begin to transmit their light
Reaching the earth after I cease to exist
This system was here billions of years before us
And will continue to persevere when we are dust
I start to wonder what is next
It is never written in text
I don’t really know what to do
After all, I was just sleeping

My friends think I've gone crazy
While the truth is that their mind is hazy
They can't understand perplexities and complexities
That might not appeal to their sensibilities
I freed my mind from restriction
With worlds prepared for construction
With quite a lot lined for eventual destruction
They restricted their minds
Stayed in deformed thought
Missing the brilliant opportunity we have got
To change everything
While still dreaming

I get up and get ready for this day
Where nothing important may happen
And while I would prefer to float upstream
In my dreams
Or fly to distant places across the globe
I have no time to sob
The sun is shining down on my face
And though that might be the case
I can only wish I was still dreaming

When I start staring at my clock
My mind begins to take a walk
Looking at a mirror with no reflection
Having an idea of perfection
I smile and hum a tune to the world
And it reciprocates to me
So I walk into the day
With a smile across my face
Please don’t shake me or disturb me
After all, I’m still dreaming

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