Dreaming Poem by Kenneth Maswabi


I have reached the end of my dream
Life is not just a basket of reality
That is passed from one generation to another
Life is a spectacular display of all the bricks of creation
It's up to the individual to create his/her story
To find an oasis of peace, happiness and love
Or to weave a story of hatred, jealousy and selfishness
It's not unusual to build the story of life around family and friends
It's most intriguing to extend the circle of your life to the global village
And capture the amazing atmosphere of multiculturalism
Sometimes one has to stop and pick a particular brick
That weaves the story of life inwards
Into the realm of the spirit
Here, one will find no bricks
One will become the brick
You will be moulded
Emptiness will be poured into your being
Silence will be concentrated
Nothingness will be nourished and nurtured
You will be submerged in the ocean of Love
Your life story will reflect the inner workings of the spirit
You will be the basket of reality
That is weaved from the outside
Into the innermost dimension of being
You will be the priceless artefact
That is displayed in the temple of God
You will be the template of all beings
You will be the manual of life


Monday, September 14, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: dreaming,existence,life
Kenneth Maswabi

Kenneth Maswabi

Maun, Botswana
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