Easter Sunday Under The Regime Of Covid-19 Poem by Hebert Logerie

Easter Sunday Under The Regime Of Covid-19

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti
It is Easter Sunday under king Coronavirus
Jesus is risen! No soul is sitting in the pews
Of the empty Church which is humongous
The chorus is singing: He is risen, Halleluiah, Alleluia!
The Lord is risen! Gloria, Santa Maria, Santa Maria
We're living under the regime of COVID-19
Easter Sunday should be a celebratory occasion
A jolly day, a great day of resurrection
Not like this Sunday, where many are dying
It feels like an unusually strange war is going on
People are coughing, sick, scared and hiding
In quarantine. It's Easter Sunday
Bugs Bunny is dead, this is a sad day
The graveyard is filled up with dead bodies
The funeral directors are dead too
The pallbearers are sick. They'll die too
Tomorrow at dawn. Nobody is at ease
The priests are dead also. This is doomsday
The neighbors died and left the lights on
And the television is making noise like somebody
Is watching the Sunday mass
This is now a total mess
This is the saddest Easter Sunday ever
Oh! Palm Sunday was as bad, very similar
Everybody, in quarantine, is praying
To see a better day. In the midst of chaos, the sun is shining
In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti
We're under the regime of a deadly coronavirus.

Copyright © April 2020, Hébert Logerie, all rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.

Sunday, April 12, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: death,easter,resurrection,sadness,war
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