Eating Anything From Over And Atop The Stove Poem by Michael Walkerjohn

Eating Anything From Over And Atop The Stove

An adage
thoughts from a
further removed sage…
beyond the care of menu
planning, careful selection
loving preparation and either
broiling, baking, steaming, or
pan frying that enticing and
healthy entrée, to be combined
with that delicious salad and dessert
when, placed before self, friends
family or more…
Hours of conscious thoughts, the costs
the efforts, the worth's, considered
and in the end, in this day and age
this task is one so often ignored?
Thus, it is so, that you choose
too do this; for most every
meal or snack or treat, give
in to the selfish inevitability
and dish out a few bucks handed
to each; or, you pull stuff from boxes
bags, cans, and packages, add tap water
and turn the timer on for effect, or you
throw whatever into the microwave
and press a button or two or more
and trust that yours will receive
sustenance from whatever it is
within those containers; for you
never read the list of ingredients
and you have put your trust and faith
and time into the endeavor, treating it
as distastefully as wiping off your rears
after taking a whist or giving up a
great bowel movement…
It, has really come to this, you
ignoring the strength in knowing
better, just what it is you are preparing
it is obvious, just look in the mirrors, without
your clothes on! And take a family photo
all in the nude, how awful the thought
and this does so appear distasteful
raging laziness awash in absolute
ignorance, when combined as
ingredients this conglomeration
bleeds of bottom feeding ridiculousness!
Such shallowness, such wastefulness
of life's gifts…
All you insipid
ignorant, wasteful
bunch like pigs to the slop!
Eating anything over and
from atop the stove!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: overcoming,real life,wastage
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