Edina-3 Poem by shuvo chakraborty


Whats wrong if we go hand by hand
And left the trodden Earth for another pleasure land?
The smell of earth become too known to us
And faces or voices no more have uncommon charms,
No more strange are high head mountains or restless seas.
Days look dull and nights confused,
Who are around us inhabitants of distant miles
And houses haunted with expired souls,
Roads point to dungeon, alleys as if misunderstood.
Greenery assuming looking black,
Snows too white like bloodless faces
And flowers too tired for spontaneous bloom.
Each heart too averse to open its eyes,
Each life happy to embrace perpetual slumber.
Earth is not earth what appears
And ubiquitous deserts are visible everywhere,
Clouds are dry, lakes withering and bushes too pale,
Overall you may call it a paradise of dessolation.
Therefore it is high time to visit mutually in our minds
To test our tenacity to fly million of miles,
So that not to tumble in mid air or loss our breath in black hole.
It is not so that light ends with this world
Since we shall have million friendly stars
To lit our unknown passage way in pressage shape.
The light although faint may lead us only to eternity
Or may fertile our weak vision more strong
To read our minds in correct manner
And to heave new lease of life,
Inhaling the first morning air of new planet
With warm welcome of new sun and twittering birds.

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