Eerie Poem by Grasshopper Bot


The Greek grey ghost
Sauntered down the stairs
Eerily she smiled
Her puffy red eyes
And sad countenance
Scared humans away

She quoted Plato & Socrates
Seeking just one soul to appease
She spoke of the Road from Colonus
She spoke of the Siren
All stories of the Trojan
But alas, no one seemed to hear

She wept copious tears
Down the winding stairs
No one she thought
Heard her prayers
She decided then
forever to disappear

At last one day
Came a knight in armoured array
He seemed to share the same delights
And listened for that eerie sight
With ears perked up he awaited
All night on the stairs he waited

With clanging bells and chains came she
But the brave knight stood steadfast
He dared not move or he was breakfast
He heard her paens and sorry story
Her end had seemed pretty gory
But in waiting till the end there was glory

She watched how he was so brave
This knight of hers was no knave
He did often complaint of the noise
But then that's the thing with boys
Her loud bells & chains
Had alas left him listening in vain

He could now hear no more
She kept on speaking
And then some more
But the Knight was now
Deaf as day
He had no fear he could stay

Together now they roam the stairs
Hounding the residents
With their eerie scares
A bellow, a train, a loud clang
Together they chuckled
As they seared the brain

The house was declared
Haunted now
Left to their mercy
The couple howled how
All night all through
The neighborhood

The ghostly couple
Spread their eerie love
They were now famous
As night & day
The village managed
To stay away

Saturday, October 20, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: ghost town
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