Ella Poem by Angela Wybrow


This is the tale of a young girl named Ella,
Who spied out the window a less fortunate fella.
She saw him there, sat down on a seat,
With no where to go and nothing to eat.

The scene she saw was far less than pretty,
And, on the poor soul, her young heart took pity.
She was inside, feeling cosy and warm -
‘A plate full of food would go down a storm, '

Was the immediate thought which entered her mind,
And so young Ella, being thoughtful and kind,
Took him her dinner of roast potatoes and steak.
(His day, Ella hoped her actions would make) .

The man looked up; his face full of surprise;
Ella saw the gratitude right there in his eyes.
A knife and a fork, she then handed the guy,
Then, with a warm smile, she bade him goodbye.

With a happy heart, she skipped back inside;
The smile on her face was wonderfully wide.
From the window, she watched him tuck in
To some delicious hot food - not cold from a bin.

So caring and kind was little Ella that day;
She injected some colour in to his world full of grey.
She felt so proud that she'd done a good deed;
That she'd helped somebody in such desperate need.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: feelings,kindness,people,people power
Angela Wybrow

Angela Wybrow

Salisbury, Wilts, UK
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