Email From My Daughter Or Modern Correspondence Poem by Alexandre Nodopaka

Email From My Daughter Or Modern Correspondence

1. Streptococcus

I saw that I missed a call from you
but I am still unable to talk.
I went to the Doctor because
of my two-week sore throat.

She gave me antibiotics
for my Sinus infection
and streptococcal pharyngitis.
I'll call you when I feel better.

Sending you my love
but holding back
the streptococcus.

2. Leap-year SURPRISE!

You are going to be
Great Granpa Dappa! ! !
And Geri is going to be
Great Nana Nanoo! ! !

I'm going to be Grandma Mia
and Mike is going to be Opa!
David and Patrizia just announced
they are having a baby girl.

Due date is February 29th.2016
A leap year!
Love you without leaping.

Thursday, November 12, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: poem,poet
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