Evol...Ution Poem by Tommy Foy


It doesn’t add up
It doesn’t add up
It doesn’t add up,
Why are we doing these things?
They say miserable people just want to make more
More miserable people, more saddened hearts cry
They cry for attention, they cry for a sliver
Even a miserable sliver
Of what they deserve,
Of love
Yes love.

I know,
Everybody says how love’s so important-
Blah, blah, blah, we’ve heard it before
But wait
Remember how you felt
Remember how you felt when you fought with your mom
When your dad didn’t get it and everything seemed wrong
Remember how you felt
Remember how you felt
You just wanted to hit somebody
You just wanted to yell at somebody
You just wanted to hug somebody...

I never understood the wicked ways of our world
How kindness can be repaid with acts of hatred
I never understood this
Until I deciphered the real meaning of love
The presence of love,
The absence of love
People think they know love,
But can they really be so sure?

Poor or Rich
Old or Young
Love can make us something great
Or love can fill us all with hate
Use love the wrong way,
Take advantage of love,
And love will turn on you
But if you embrace love with a gentle touch
Then your love will be one thousand times blessed
And handed to you is the power to change all things

Love is like a pack of dominoes and you are like the hand that holds them
The hand can stack the dominoes high and create intricate and beautiful designs,
Or the hand can knock over all the dominoes and they end up a hopeless mess

Parents, teachers, friends- the list goes on and on
Of who gives out this love
And where it’s coming from
Parents use their love to shape their children’s hearts
Their minds
Their characters
Now teachers, they possess a supreme power
That most are not aware of
When things at home go awry
A teacher can repair
A child’s broken heart
A child’s broken mind
A child’s broken character
A teacher needs not do much
To change a child’s life
All a child needs is a sign
A sign that someone cares
A sign that someone’s there
A sign that someone loves him
A hug, a wave, a pat, a smile,
A laugh, a talk, a “Great Job! ” once in a while
Can turn a would be burger flipper
Into a president
Into a peace leader
Into a doctor who saves patients’ lives
Or maybe...
Into a teacher who saves a child
From misery and hatred
To loving life so much
And they didn’t even know
The person that they touched.

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Tommy Foy

Tommy Foy

Nashville, TN
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