Evolution At A Glance Poem by Samantha Stough

Evolution At A Glance

Well, from the time i was born,
Nothing about me was quite the norm
I was a strange character and I always will be
I can't belong and it's plain to see
I started out in an ignorant bliss
I'm not sure if it's something to hate or to miss
Then, several things changed, and made me grow up so fast
It was paired with a pain that continues to last
Not too long ago, things seemed so clear
But I was screwed over again, and my faith seemed to disappear
Now I trudge through life with an inner ache
How come when something makes me happy, it has to break?
I walk with an affliction, a malfunction from God
I'm forced to be different; I'm forced to be odd
I feel like the older I get, the more useless I become
Just another monster, miserable and dumb
A heart just as weak as my will,
I have an insecurity about me that could kill
How is it that i manage to survive?
It's the poison that keeps me alive

Naseer Ahmed Nasir 02 April 2009

''It's the poison that keeps me alive.'' What a beautiful and meaningful line, Sam. It is the essence of the whole evolution of your life so far. Please keep on writing. Best Wishes Naseer

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