Evolutionary Soul Poem by Kristina Louisa Carr

Evolutionary Soul

I was told that in the mirror I see my soul's reflection
But I only look at my face without a deeper connection
I have been searching for a sign of this soul of mine
Being curious about the aspects of intelligent design
Scriptures say that my immaterial parts are immortal
To join my creator one day leaving through a portal

But what if I only have material parts that are me
Tiny molecules held together tightly woven like a tree
Will they join others one day within time and space
Become one and form a new and smarter DNA base
That diversified me will it be better in spirit and form
And grow within someone else creating a new norm

Well - I like to believe that my conscience is my soul
That grows and learns like my own quality control
My soul is what is speaking to me when I am unsure
When I am lost it figures me out like an entrepreneur
My soul puts me back in line and keeps me intact
It reminds me that I am human and at times overreact

In my mind I combine the terms soul and humanity
But humans are often not humane and haunted by insanity
Within every person I try to see a soul but it is a struggle
Life occurs like a carnival exposing good and evil in a juggle
While I am staring in the mirror asking if I have done all I could
I am confused about my evolutionary soul hoping all is good

Kristina Louisa Carr

Kristina Louisa Carr

Born: Cape Town, South Africa
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