Expose One's Identity For The Good Of All Ever! Poem by Ramesh T A

Expose One's Identity For The Good Of All Ever!

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Expose One's Identity for The Good of All Ever!

All are born with some skill or talent or nature of genius or other;
That only reveals who one is to the world and one's name ever;
Realizing this inner self one has to express it in some form or other;
That way only one will be known to the world and honoured ever!

One may be a teacher, artist, doctor, scientist or Poet needing
Exact exposure for all to identify who one is now and forever;
If it is not done earlier or now or later, one will not be known to all;
Many are unaware of self and also unknown to others forever!

The first purpose of human life is to expose oneself to all ever;
Otherwise whatever thing one does, will not be known to anyone;
By establishing who one is, one will be doing a great service for posterity;
That way only even though one is not honoured now will be cherished in future!

By expressing one's Self one's real personality will be known to all now and ever;
Above all, one best and great ideas will be known and will be beneficial in future too!

By establishing who one is, one will be doing a great service for posterity; That way only even though one is not honoured now will be cherished in future!
Ramesh T A 16 May 2024

By expressing one's Self one's real personality will be known to all now and ever; Above all, one best and great ideas will be known and will be beneficial in future too!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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