Father Time, Mother Earth Poem by Timothy Long

Father Time, Mother Earth

Life is a bit cheap, do the nightmares ever go away, once you realize nothing is worth anymore, you stop shaming, caring, life for time get boring, does earth have anything left in storage, I have nothing left to give, please pardon my existence, a wasted youth, my lines are no longer the same, time is wasted, will it ever go away, I use to shine, I'm tired of this loosery, I'm not what there making me out to be, father time never dies, mother earth will turn to fatal crisp of burnt universe, maybe it will get better, don't disappoint me, too late, past life read, nothing in there for me, I see, I see, life as the pleasure states, belongs to you, life's courses never did run too smooth.

Timothy Long

Timothy Long

Auburn, New York
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