Finally An Advice Poem by Nassy Fesharaki

Finally An Advice

Finally an advice

Hey friends all around
-displaced, immigrants
-refugees from the Mosul to Aleppo
-to Yemen and Kabul, anywhere in the world

I beg you; bow, plea
-do not move, go nowhere
-stay in place and fix yourself, must be nailed
-till you go for revenge, to treat invaders
-to teach them a lesson, in exactly same way
-secretive, bold manner, killing them with drones
-stealthy with bombs and poisons; as they taught!

Here is one of the examples
-in Shiraz on mountains
-we went to prepare, be ready; become good guerillas
-I saw the best trench, seemed cross camouflaged
-the fighters crawled in feet to feet with heads out
-vigilant and awake they raised hell for cruel enemy
-do the same…

I cannot and will not take one's side
-no talk of Saudi, USA or Russia
-all of them are same shit
-even the Turkey and Iran and Hezbollah
-and of course the cancer tumor, Israel

Do not leave till, until
-You leave well-prepared
-say goodbye to the life for revenge…

I learned this in kitchen
-I killed the cockroaches when on run
-armless and harmless and empty
-they ran like refugees
-and I felt powerful
-I killed their company
-all of them in one go
-no more I shall, will say
-no repeating of same words
-this advice is for all!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: anger
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