First He Came Poem by Doug Lane

First He Came

Rating: 5.0

First he came for the immigrants, and I did not speak out, or spoke too quietly-
Because I was not an immigrant.
Then he came for the Muslims, and I did not speak out, or at least, did not speak loudly enough—
Because I was not a Muslim.
Then he came for the non-whites, and I did not speak out, or spoke too softly-
Because I was white.
Then he came for LGBT's, and I did not speak out, or spoke too softly- -Because I was straight.
Then he came for Medicare and Social Security and I did not speak out but merely griped- -Because I had other insurance.
Now he's coming for the law itself- -Because he thinks he's above it. Maybe I'll put a bumper sticker on my car saying "No man is above the law." Or maybe I won't.
He's always come for the women- -But I didn't take a stand....because I'm a man.
On his first day he came for democracy....And replaced it with autocracy. And I've lost lots of sleep, but scarcely made a peep.
He's coming for all that is true- -Because there is no truth in him. And I'm stupefied.
Soon he'll be coming for me.....and you. The question is, what will we say and that won't come true?

Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: civil rights
A variation on Pastor Niemoller's famous warning.
The Muse 03 July 2020

A brilliant poem. We need more voices to stand up to social injustice. In the words of Edmund Burke- " The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"

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Chinedu Dike 29 March 2020

A sad truth impressively conveyed with clarity of thought and mind. Really a thought provoking rendition.

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Doug Lane 19 January 2018

Did you know Pastor Niemoller was a Hitler supporter before he realized what monstrosities Hitler and the Nazi Party were? The Nazis imprisoned Niemoller in Dachau and another concentration camp between 1937 and 1945.

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