Flash Parallel Poem by Vision Ghost

Flash Parallel

Night descend upon starlit city dwell
Committed to evening; the time’s cell
Humanity home to roost, rest, words
As did so a song of much said as birds

But I shall remain here inside a place
Where I want to look at every face
I can see the lights of a tower away
Away over there nothing else today

I see too many cars flashing to home
Instincts followed as though in tome
Dark sky blanket illumination abound
That still in peace so much is of sound

An office of their day speak of politics
So kind, some haste, some nasty tricks
Be it sow the letters for says tomorrow
Or another moment I may so borrow

Open window feel breeze embracing
Tunes saunter upon the air grimacing
To lack of examination to human ear
That never is a wasted minute to fear

I can see a window with lights inside
A back of head seemingly face hide
But I want to see what he does study
I want to know his day’s short story

I see her putting hair behind her ear
Seemingly in function without steer
Wishing to know how she laughed
What was said lost on memories raft

Like a boat upon air’s sea voyaging
Onward educations infinite foraging
Trees in line on roadside at attention
As we so oblivious to their assertion

We all did this today; will tomorrow
Fraying through time so now hollow
Seeking fortunes paved limitless well
Emerge daylight dawns flash parallel

Vision Ghost

Vision Ghost

Epsom, East Surrey
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