Footprints On The Sand Poem by Ali Rahimi

Footprints On The Sand

Footprints on the sand
You see the footprints of a man on the sand,
Look at it carefully; analyze all its aspects and dimensions,
What does it manifest?
Where was he coming from?
Where was he going? What impression has he left?
The footprint will be washed away by the water soon,
It disperses, dissolves and fades away,
Yes, disappeared overnight, At the drop of a hat,
Never even existed, as if it never was there,
No sign, no vestige, absolute eradication,
All fame and influence, gone with the tide,
All glory, honor and glamour vanished,
Clandestine secret relationships, hidden kisses, orgasms in the dark,
Intense tenderness, voluptuous women, and a randy guy,
Footprints on the sand,
Or pride, passion, power, and prejudice,
His fanatic frenzy, fantastic fire, and furious flame,
His zany zest, zooming zone of zeal,
He was a megastar, yes he was a sultan, an icon,
He was the object of interests,
His presence was a grace, shinier than the sun,
People cherished him as if he was a redeemer, a messiah,
A stunner, a winner in the corridors of power,
He would crack the whip, was the top dog, the big cheese,
Like a fat cat on his big yacht,
Born with a silver spoon in his mouth,
He would always call the tune,
He had money, was royally attractive, and eloquent,
Led an extravagant and luxurious life,
Slaves and maids were under his thumb,
Footprints on the sand,
Footprints on the sand,
Footprints on the sand,
Could be a gorgeous distinguished scholar,
Or a business tycoon, a drug kingpin, But,
Desperate love letters waiting to be read,
Suicide note rotting away in the abandoned home,
The fatal toxic pistol still warm, like a venomous serpent,
Was it a calculated abandonment? Or an insane isolation?
Dreams and hopes, evaporated under the scorching sun,
No harvest, no harvest, no harvest,
Just blood, sweat and tears,
Fall from grace? or on the top of the world?
A Fait accompli,
Absence, absence, absence,
Yes, footprints on the sand, , , , , , ,
Ali Rahimi, 3.2.16

Monday, March 7, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: time,timeless
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