For A Female Nosferatu Poem by Raj Dronamraju

For A Female Nosferatu

"Music is math" she said and it made me sad
And I told her this because I no longer try to edit myself
And I question every proverb doled out meaninglessly by those too lazy to find new friends

At night when she comes, I'll be prepared
With artificial passion and even stronger thoughts
It's clear that memories rend flesh
They disfigure you in ways that can never be fixed

Peace is separation and separation is protection
These intricately plotted adventures are made-up and have never and will never happen
But your happy to fall into their opium reverie, lying still in fictional conk out Constantinople

I hear her coming for you now, the night was still now the night is movement
And once again you'll wonder why she wanted to be your friend but wanted more from him
You listened to her problems and he moved on to physical contact
This didn't make you feel good

Maybe she'll come and remove all the bad feeling
More likely she'll load on more
You wake up tired and worn out as if you ran a marathon in your sleep
The night terrors that are not purely your own creation
The night terrors that are a side effect of living in her society

Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: evil
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