For Anyone, -Who Saw A Red Light In Front Of Them, But Squeezed That Right Pedal In... For No Good Reason- Poem by Ash Hickok

For Anyone, -Who Saw A Red Light In Front Of Them, But Squeezed That Right Pedal In... For No Good Reason-

For anyone-
who saw a red light in front of them, but squeezed that right pedal in
without good reason.

I passed a yellow sign with bold black letters leading me to the right,
forewarning an unavoidable detour,
but I kept driving ahead like I owned the road that night…
even though the same people in power
who post those limits and cautions made that very road
I drove as though I knew more and could drive faster safer-

Better… but I wasn’t.

Now I’m walking down the shoulder of that same road
reaping what I sowed.
I hit the wall at a hundred and twenty seven,
aiming for heaven focusing hell-bent.
I always finish what I start so if I’m on the wrong path I’ll complete my round trip plight,
while wishing it was still as simple as just veering right.

BELIEVE ME… It really REALLY could have been MUCH worse
than just eating humble pie with a side of concrete and my just deserts.
God knows I remember the taste of defeat
Since it’s hard to wash out of your mouth after you eat,
and I ate every last bite.
Bit by bit it is by the grace of God I’m merely able to be thankful to meet
the man God planned to keep alive after my life crashed that faithless night.

I was headlong in traffic and pretending it didn’t matter
until the truth hit me like an oncoming car:
all at once..
Nothing could have been any better… than being blessed with my disaster.
You see that drive was all part of God’s plan for me to get me where He wants.
And thankfully He knew how to stop me before my destination got any closer-
before home got any further or I decided to drive even faster.

The shadow of my life’s ending,
it was definitely the end of the beginning for the sheep in wolf’s clothing.
I knew I was on the sacrificial table and there was no denying being one of the lost lamb-
Losing the difference between caring I was lost.. verse knowing where I am.
Somehow I didn’t know that God knew exactly where to look,
but He found me as I ran my fingers through the most unlikely… likely book
He scooped me into the palm of His hand when I recognized the voice of my Sheppard.
When I answered the call I heard
I saw Him smile as he said He won‘t sleep until his sheep are safe, home, and fed..
that I wasn’t just another four hoofs in a large herd
I was his beloved lost lamb finding the only way back into His precious flock..

The prodigal son..

Coming home fast with six cop cars chasing him.
I didn’t need a warning sign, I needed a roadblock
because stop signs lose potency and detours are no longer an option
when red and blue flashing lights can’t slow you down at all.
Speeding.. Driving like life had no meaning.. feeling sick listening to the musical squall
of a police siren,
BAAANG…Cars CRASH, in the end mortality voided man’s magic such as logic or luck..
Stuck between the jaws of life and the forked tongue of the ever-after
my future wasn’t based on the best safety feature
and it wasn’t made out of the metal in my crash test, it was a spiritual tribulation and trial..
in an instant collision, my history caught up to my future
in an infinity of memory per minute.. in one permanent moment on loan.
Darkness falls..

God bless every single BRICK God put in that wall….
because I could never have stopped 22 years of momentum in a single second without them,
but then I never was alone.
Listening to the whispering devil on my shoulder that says it likes me best behind bars
as it constantly tells me how to carve out my scars.
I thought the blood already scared off my last angel guardian
until I saw I somehow survived myself again.
I see I nearly gave my birthright to that demon I carried within.
God granted me a second second chance to protect my inheritance of the Lord my Father.
I am nothing without Him
except a car with no driver
on a road with no future.

- a S h
(Aaron Stephen Hickok)

Ash Hickok

Ash Hickok

Clarksville, Tennessee
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