Fractured Rib Poem by Micron

Fractured Rib

I had a terrible pain after a slip
I carried on didn’t want to appear a drip
The nurse in work saw me
A fracture is possible she did see
I ignored her as theres work to do
So continued collegues not got a clue
They laughed as I tried pick things from the floor
And left things around so they could laugh more
Then tired of showering I had a bath
Was good to the end then it wasn’t a laugh
I was stuck there for a very long time
I guess no bodies’ fault only mine
In the end I made it what a relief
But to be stuck there filled me with grief
For days I struggle to get out of bed
Taking hour or more I should have said
For a over week I did alone struggle
As no one I wanted to trouble
In the end I went to be checked
And passed out there I was just wrecked
A fractured rib the doctor diagnosed
Yet I still feel guilty lazy noone knows
I returned home signed of for a week
And work complained what a cheek
The tablets they gave they took the edge off the pain
But my head on taking felt quite insane
For I floated around the room I sat in
So now I try refraine from them taking
I take to sleep to get through the night
And weird dreams come into sight.
Work is cross I and don’t know what to do
Im simply something on the bottom of their shoe
I feel bad guilty as if Im doing wrong
Im really trying to be very strong
Im stranded food is past being low
And I’ve noone to get me anything I know
My dad tells me off I’m lazy go to work
I long to go I feel hopeless such a jerk
I just long for someone to just understand
To tell me its ok and simply hold my hand

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