Freedom Poem by B.M Lewis


Thinking of those words,
And knowing I can never say them.
Feeling them in my heart,
But too afraid to show them.
Take a piece of paper,
Rip it to unrecognizable pieces,
And then try to put them back together.
That’s my heart and soul.
It’d take a genius to fix me,
A miracle to heal the damage from my past.
Is it possible?
Can you do it?
I used to be that person
Who’d take a razor to her wrist.
Now, I’m that person,
Who stops the razor for someone else.
I’ve lived life alone
Because that’s how it’s meant to be,
Never finding those right words
But knowing they’re there
Just not being able to force them.
Can you hear me?
Can you feel my words?
Fate works out it’s miracles,
Healing a tender heart with another heart.
Bringing people together in ways unimaginable.
I crave that feeling from someone.
I crave the affection,
But I can never find it in the person who I want it to be in.
I can’t get you out of my head.
I can run my fingers through your soul
Drink in your words,
And feel that passion
But yet…I’m still scared.
I want you to take me away from here.
Show me a new world
Fill it with happiness
And love
I want to drown in it
Because I know there, I will be safe.
I know this because you know it too.
You know what it’s like.
We match in every way
Inside and out.
And yet….so free.

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