Freewill Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Poems


Is man free to choose his fate
And force his pace on choosen course?
No gene, no class, no background,
Nor stamp of youthful impressions
Sets his course to what he chose
Though cooks the broth and adds spice
To the sail, set on freewill.

Hundred lanes and thousand bylanes
Wait man's beck and open free path;
Man chooses the path, close to his heart
And decides The pace that suits his strength
And builds his fate in his own hands
In tune with strains and strength of soul,
In concert with his subtle innermost call.

Nothing is far, nothing is bar
To the facile sail of the human Self
Till he knows his soul, strengths, weak spots
And decides thereon his future course
In arts, crafts and tools to serve,
In strength, form, time and place
To devolve freewill to the living world
And weaves his basics to the desired goal
That he chooses to meet on his course.

It be infinite expanse of insatiable greed
Or meadow, lush with mollitous fodder,
It be artistic world of dance and musics
Or artful world of thoughts and crafts,
Of frauds, deceits and bloody fights
Or the fulsome world of love and trust;
It be name, fame, power or wealth
Or the golden world of peace and joy,
All, in attendance to freewill.

In long course of the life's sojourn,
Tides rise from nowhere
And lands man on unknown shores
That none fathomed ever to exist,
If inner calls of man's freewill
In tune with his emotions and soul,
Drive the man to sweat-out treach.o

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