Sebastian Melmoth Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Have A Meeting

I have a meeting with a stranger to search how I'm feeling. Connecting, dissecting, searching my mind, it'll be quite revealing.

Surprised how easy to find speaking to a stranger.Feeling safe, a friendly face this professional exchanger.

Thank You

A message of thanks to you
Who me? Yes you?
What did I do?


Sunshine your beautiful
Light of love shining on the world
The bright signal of a brand new day


The healing power of laughter
Let it out laughing to the rafter

Chortle cackle positive Bubbles

Today I Caught The Train...

Waiting for doors to open, people standing sharing glances
Whose feet will be first on the train? who will get a seat? I don't fancy my chances

Hussle and bustle we pile in all squashed like sardines

Good Days

Good days full of meaning
Filling your heart with hope and joy

Good days giving your body a positive glow

Friends To See You Through

Friends to see you through,
The ups and downs your friends are part of life's glue.
From silly Nelly, giggling Jill and mad hatter Ron
There always there when you need them, people you can rely on

The Beauty Of Youth

The beauty of youth with skin so fair and smooth like the calm waters on the calmest lake.

Hair so thick and perfect like a pretty forest so perfect waving freely In life's wind and through the seasons.

The Clippings Short

Read all about it they used to say,
get your news from a paper the old-fashioned way
A day without news would a be day the whole world stands still
Imagine the silence wouldn't that be brill

Look Up What Do You See...

When you look up what do you see?
Beauty in the skylight
Head leaning back the universe above us
Eyes wide open the awesome spectacle

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