Frontwalk: (Original 03 26 2009) Poem by Lee B. Mack

Frontwalk: (Original 03 26 2009)

Rating: 5.0

How on roads to On paved with lighted ways we
Find three dimensional excited Fourier-transform
Lutetium when musical harmonic dance plays in
Background still-life micro financed change
Composed to Monk’s crepuscule pirouette? As long
As anyone can write a note announcing intent to
Enter community banks, take money and run or
Walk away after handing a clerk-teller the demand
Note for principle dollars; then enter into a local
Enforcement station, turn oneself in to be escorted
into incarceration to prison wardens…
We are all in trouble… so long as anyone else
can write notes announcing intent to prey on widows
And fatherless children’s homes, equities, and
Credit Card debts; to compound, insure, and securitize
The axiom of moral hazard of vector beauty curve forms
In the spirit of default risk; only to be invited to meet
With the Secretary of Treasury and the Vice President,
Of the President, to be partnered and bought to
Default hazard… with CERN; It was the night after
the mea culpa of requited reason
Felt in the civil servant heart but tasted by the hunger
of military guards in anterooms before the crowning
of the two-headed On king and the rape of Savannah’s
Black Sheba and Chicago’s Cleopatra… the prayers of
Saints of the loss hope or bonfires of the vanities.

Lee B. Mack

Lee B. Mack

Shelbyville, Kentucky
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