Frozen Rain Drops Poem by Deanna Samuels

Frozen Rain Drops

It was not a good day to start a journey
Frozen rain drops were falling at steady speed
The driveway and streets were a sheet of slippery ice
Rooftops and garages shimmered with frosty glaze
Icy pellets pitter pattered against the window panes
Slowly slithering down onto the narrow window sills
Building up small ridges of rough ice mounds
Trees and foliage looked forlorn, cold and miserable
Enveloped in a glaze of frozen iced water
A journey now, today, in this awful weather to undertake
Some urgent business to attend, something that cannot wait
The roads were treacherous and unpredictable
Compounded by heavy almost white out snow blasts
Thick icy sludgy tire tracks made difficulty in changing lanes
Speed, there was no speed
A steady careful pace and befitting distance kept by all
Washer fluid refilled three times and still more needed
Such was the extent of icing up to keep windshield clean
Great relief when arriving at destination and finding parking
A few minutes only to spare and prepare
With business completed, weather too uninviting to stay and linger
Cancelled overnight hotel and plans to explore the local scene
Headed car back in home direction keeping to quieter rural road
Eying all the while the bleakness of the countryside around.

Written en-route and Courtice, Ontario - 6th February 2019

Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: roads,snow
Deanna Samuels

Deanna Samuels

London, England
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