Gambling On Life Poem by Clinton Siegle

Gambling On Life

Gambling on life
applied science of opportunity makes lucky decisions by listening to intuition of life
memories learned to take a chance in life
bubbles will burst but be able to adopt a resilient attitude that transforms bad luck into good life
live love within the gamble of skill at creating and noticing chance opportunity's life
indeed, there are three factors in life
need to be reminded create self-fulfilling prophesies via positive expectations in life
gambling in life is about the odds 3 in eight chances of winning in life

on realization, there is a pattern in life
need to chance more times to create more opportunities in life

Life is wild and random or is it a pattern in life
if you are lucky ride that wave through life
for if you are unlucky break that habit to change your life
eternity is but a moment in time in this life.
The voter is less important than the man who provides money to the candidate politicl process is really wrong

So a few items here - Jerry Brown is allowing illegals to VOTE for.. The law for primaries which is not federal is different then you would expect - example - democrat to homeless person question on how to vote without a home address= use the location where you stay. I stay under a bridge. Where at the corner of 3rd and I 80 overpass. USE that as your mailing direction of the post office.. Since then I have discovered I can live when ever I want. Example the governors mansion step 3 - State Capitol, third step from the bottom
Sacramento, CA 95814 then I can go on the web and redirect my mail from the post office or have them hold it at the office.. SO imaginary - process everyone in the WORLD can now vote in California.. THE primaries are not a federal election thus INVITE everyone to live in california you want.. if illegal can vote Hillary you can think of what I have just said and vote there too.. MEANING democrat party is a private corporation which allows for fraud in the following ways allowing non citizens to vote, blocking potential voters and removing polling places from where potential outsiders voting demographics live.. Now if you had a relative that died in that state call the sheriff department of that county and remove them from the voting register. YOU do not want your DEAD Grandma to vote Hillary. Next if you have ever lived in a different county or state call that sheriff department and have your name removed from that voting register. You might have been a libertarian all your life but moved and someone is using your past location to vote for you as a democrat.. AS a past libertarian that has had this happened to me it was a surprise in 2012 when I did not get to vote but was called by Colorado county on my ballot experience. WHEN I told theperson I did not write in my candidate due to not receiving the mail in ballot there was an awkward silence.. LIFE is weird if you stop the cheating
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