God Made The World Poem by Gary James Smith

God Made The World

Rating: 5.0

God That Made The World

God who made the world
And all the things therein
Seeing that He is Lord of Heaven
And the Lord of earth amen!
Dwells not in temples made by hands
But in us by "new birth"
Has given high value to each life
That man might see their worth

In Him we live and move
And have our very being
He giveth to men his boundaries
Our life, our breath, all things
We are nations of one blood
We have an appointed time
When we will be judged by His Word
So repentance is in line

The Godhead is not like gold or silver
Or for that matter even stone
Graven by art and man's devices
The Godhead is God alone
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Creator... Redeemer... Friend
Happy are you if you feel after Him
His love will never end

He has appointed a day
In the which He will judge the world
In righteousness by Jesus Christ
Whom against earth's wrath is hurled
He's commanded all men to repent
With power and authority He gives
Proven evidence above all else
Because Lord Jesus lives!

If this God to you is unknown
Then diligently seek Him my friend
Happy to have a better future
Than to have a bitter end
May you feel after Him and find Him
For He is close at hand
A prayer away for that matter
Come enjoy so greatSalvation!

Copyright March 5 20188: 13am

Gary James Smith

Monday, March 5, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: god
Dr Antony Theodore 05 March 2018

May you feel after Him and find Him For He is close at hand A prayer away for that matter Come enjoy so greatSalvation! .. a fine religious poem of deep and intense faith......... thank you dear poet. tony

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Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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