God's Skin Poem by Randy McClave

God's Skin

A racist I once was
I spoke with racism as a bigot does,
To you I was not gracious, caring or kind
To you I was uncaring and blind.
I belittled you and every other race
And I always mocked a colored face,
When other cultures talked about their rights
I always screamed what about my fights.
Though we have a different colored skin
I truly believed I have been where you had been,
Though for my freedom and rights I have never fought
Where you have walked, I have not.
All lives matter I have screamed and I shouted
That fact alone no one has ever doubted,
But, I said that because I now do believe
That my racist heart it would relieve.
If yesterday I had written my memoirs
On my body and mind there is no scars,
Even though we all came from the very same batter
I still screamed, all lives matter.
Your race has suffered more than me or my family did
Your pain and suffering you always hid,
Though you might be green, black, red, yellow or blue
I cried that my race has suffered as much as you.
Sadly yes my race is truly entitled
My ownership to another man or family was never titled,
Even though we worship God under the very same steeple
I once saw you as a different type of people.
When I was younger with you I couldn't play
But, now with you I do pray,
One thing the world and racists has made me see
God is a different color than me.

Randy L. McClave

Thursday, September 3, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: god,racist
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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